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Welcome to the Lake Area Sisterhood


This is the home of the Lake Area Sisterhood, a group of women in the Northwest Indiana/Chicagoland area who have joined together to learn and share in Goddess Sisterhood. We come from many paths and have many different areas of experience, but we all share the common desire to join with our sisters and learn about Goddess Spirituality in a space friendly for women regardless of race or sexual orientation.

One of the cool things we did at our January meeting was to watch Z Budapest's wonderful documentary "Gathering the Goddesses", which she has been kind enough to post on You Tube, so all women can see it for themselves. We've embedded the first segment here so you can get a taste. It's in six parts on You Tube.

For our April meeting, we will be viewing a trio of documentaries done by Starhawk and several other women called The Goddess Trilogy. Alive Mind, who distributes these videos on behalf of the women who worked on them, has been kind enough to supply to us a couple preview videos. In our links section, we've added links for anyone who is interested in learning more about Alive Mind and The Goddess Trilogy for themselves.

Starhawk Discusses "The Witch"-

Pagan Traditions-

At our annual August retreat, will be watching an amazing new DVD, Women's Power, by Max Dashu. Some excerpts of it are below for you to enjoy. Please join us for this entertaining and enlightening presentation. Details of the meeting are in the Events section.

Check out our upcoming events and workshops. We do send notices to many email groups, but we will also list them here on our Events page.
You might want to check out our newest section, the Goddess of the Month, which is an area where we will have information on the Goddesses we study each month. We feel that it is hard to start on a Goddess Path unless you know something about the different Goddesses. Please enjoy this with us.

Goddess of the Month Goddess of the Month

We've also created a newsletter for those who would like to receive the Goddess of the Month mailings.

Subscribe to GOTMNewsletter

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Goddess of the Month!
If you have any questions about this site or the Lake Area Goddesses Society, please contact