Goddess of the Month - 2008 Listings

Goddess of the month page Brighid February 2008 - Brighid
Goddess of the month page Persephone March 2008 - Persephone
Goddess of the month page Artemis April 2008 - Artemis
Goddess of the Month page Yemaya May 2008 - Yemaya
Goddess of the Month page Aphrodite June 2008 - Aphrodite
Goddess of the Month page Kwan Yin July 2008 - Kwan Yin
Goddess of the Month page Inanna August 2008 - Inanna
Goddess of the Month page Demeter September 2008 - Demeter
Goddess of the Month page Hekate October 2008 - Hekate
Goddess of the Month page Cybele November 2008 - Cybele
Goddess of the Month page Isis December 2008 - Isis

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